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There is a story about a man who sold hot dogs by the roadside. He was illiterate, so he never read newspapers . He was hard of hearing, so he never listened to the radio. His eyes were weak, so he never watched television. But enthusiastically, he sold lots of hot dogs. His sales and profit went up.

He ordered more meat and got himself a bigger and a better stove. As his business was growing, the son, who had recently graduated from college, joined his father. Then something strange happened. The son asked, "Dad, aren't you aware of the great recession that is coming our way?"

The father replied, "No, but tell me about it." The son said, "The international situation is terrible. The domestic is even worse. We should be prepared for the coming bad time." The man thought that since his son had been to college, read the papers, and listened to the radio, he ought to know  and his advice should not be taken lightly.

So the next day, the father cut down his order for the meat and buns, took down the sign and was no longer enthusiastic. Very soon, fewer and fewer people bothered to stop at his hot dog stand. And his sales started coming down rapidly. The father said to his son, "Son, you were right. We are in the middle of a recession. I am glad you warned me ahead of time."

What is the moral of the story? 

1. Many times we confuse intelligence with good judgment.

2. A person may have high intelligence but poor judgment.

3. Choose your advisers carefully and use your judgment.

4. A person can and will be successful with or without formal education if they have the 5 Cs: ♦ ♦

  • character
  • commitment
  • conviction
  • courtesy
  • courage 

5. The tragedy is that there are many walking encyclopedias who are living failures.

Gratitude - Story Time

A medical doctor who was invited as a guest speaker to address a group of alcoholics. He wanted to make a demonstration that would be powerful enough to make people realize that alcohol was injurious to their health. He had two containers, one with pure distilled water and one with pure alcohol. He put an earthworm into the distilled water and it swam beautifully and came up to the top. He put another earthworm into the alcohol and it disintegrated in front of everyone's eyes. He wanted to prove that this was what alcohol did to the insides of our body.

He asked the group what the moral of the story was and one person from behind said, "If you drink alcohol you won't have worms in your stomach." Was that the message? Of course not. That was selective listening--we hear what we want to hear and not what is being said.

Many of our blessings are hidden treasures--count your blessings and not your troubles.

Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Count your blessings, not your troubles. Take time to smell the roses. It is not uncommon to hear that someone, because of an accident or illness, became blind or paralyzed but won a million dollars in settlement. How many of us would like to trade places with that person? Not many. We are so focused on complaining about things we don't have that we lose sight of the things we have. There is a lot to be thankful for.

When I say count your blessings, not your troubles, the message is not to become complacent. If complacence was the message you got, then I would be guilty of faulty communication and you of selective listening.

Make a Habit of Doing It Now

We have all procrastinated at some time in our lives. I know I have, only to have regretted it later. Procrastination leads to a negative attitude.

The habit of procrastination fatigues you more than the effort it takes to do it. A completed task is fulfilling and energizing; an incomplete task drains energy like a leak from a tank. If you want to build and maintain a positive attitude, get into the habit of living in the present and doing it now.

He slept beneath the moon
He basked beneath the sun
He lived a life of going to do
and died with nothing done.
--James Albery

Qualities of Optimist - Adop It

Who is an optimist? 
It is well described by the following:

  • Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of  mind.  
  • Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every  person you meet.  
  • Make all your friends feel there is something in them.  
  • Look at the sunny side of everything. 
  • Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.  
  • Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.  
  • Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.  
  • Give everyone a smile.  
  • Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.  
  • Be too big for worry and too noble for anger

Check out the qualities of Pessimist - Beware

Some people always look at the negative side. Who is pessimist? 


  • are unhappy when they have no troubles to speak 
  • feel bad when they feel good, for fear they will feel worse when they feel better 
  • spend most of their life at complaint counters 
  • always turn out the lights to see how dark it is are 
  • always looking for cracks in the mirror of life 
  • stop sleeping in bed when they hear that more people die in bed than anywhere else 
  • cannot enjoy their health because they think they may be sick tomorrow 
  • not only expect the worst but make the worst of whatever happens 
  • don't see the doughnut, only the hole 
  • believe that the sun shines only to cast shadows 
  • forget their blessings and count their troubles 
  • know that hard work never hurts anyone but believe "why take a chance?" 


There was a hunter who bought a bird dog, the only one of its kind in the world. That could walk on water . He couldn't  believe his eyes when he saw this miracle. At the same time, he was very pleased that he could show off his new acquisition to his friends.

He invited a friend to go duck hunting. After some time, they shot a few ducks and the man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. All day-long, the dog ran on water and kept fetching the birds. The owner was expecting a comment or a compliment about his amazing dog, but never got one.

As they were returning home, he asked his friend if he had noticed anything unusual about his dog. The friend replied, "Yes, in fact, I did notice something unusual. Your dog can't swim." 

Negative People will Always Criticize

Some people criticize no matter what. It does not matter which side you are on, they are always on the other side. They have made a career out of criticizing. They are "career critics." They criticize as if they will win a prize at a contest. They will find fault with every person and every situation. You will find people like this in every home, family, office.

They go around finding fault and telling everybody how bad things are and blaming the whole world for their problems. We have a name for these people. They are called energy suckers. They will go to the cafeteria and drown themselves in 20 cups of tea and coffee and smoke to their hearts' content with one excuse: they are trying to relax. All that they are doing is causing more tension for themselves and for others around them. They spread negative messages like a plague and create an environment conducive to negative results.

Robert Fulton invented the steamboat. On the banks of the Hudson River he was displaying his new invention. The pessimists and the skeptics were gathered around to observe. They commented that it would never start. Lo and behold, it did. As it made its way down the river, the pessimists who said it would never go, started shouting that it would never stop. What an attitude! 

Looking for the Gold - Story Time

As a young Scots boy, Andrew Carnegie came to America and started doing odd jobs. He ended up as one of the largest steel manufacturers in the United States.

At one time he had 43 millionaires working for him. Several decades ago, a million dollars used to be a lot of money; even today it is a lot of money. Someone asked Mr. Carnegie how he dealt with people?

Andrew Carnegie replied, "Dealing with people is like digging gold: When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don't go looking for the dirt, you go looking for the gold." 


There was a giant who was bullying and harassing the children in the village.

One day, a 17-year-old shepherd boy came to visit his brothers and asked, "Why don't you stand up and fight the giant?" The brothers were terrified and they replied, "Don't you see he is too big to hit?" But David said, "No, he is not too big to hit, he is too big to miss." The rest is history.

We all know what happened. David killed the giant with a sling. Same giant, different perception.

Our attitude determines how we look at a setback. To a positive thinker, it can be a stepping stone to success. To a negative thinker, it can be a stumbling block.

Great organizations are not measured by wages and working conditions, they are measured by feelings, attitudes and relationships.

When employees say, "I can't do it," there are two possible meanings. Are they saying they don't know how to or they don't want to? If they don't know how to, that is a training issue. If they are saying they don't want to,

it may be an attitude issue (they don't care) or a values issue (they believe they should not do it). 

Acres of Diamond - Story Time

There was a farmer in Africa who was happy and content. He was happy because he was content. He was content because he was happy. One day a wise man came to him and told him about the glory of diamonds and the power that goes along with them. The wise man said, "If you had a diamond the size of your thumb, you could have your own city. If you had a diamond the size of your fist, you could probably own your own country." And then he went away. That night the farmer couldn't sleep. He was unhappy and he was discontent. He was unhappy because he was discontent and discontent because he was unhappy.

The next morning he made arrangements to sell off his farm, took care of his family and went in search of diamonds. He looked all over Africa and couldn't find any. He looked all through Europe and couldn't find any. When he got to Spain, he was emotionally, physically and financially broke. He got so disheartened that he threw himself into the Barcelona River and committed suicide.

Back home, the person who had bought his farm was watering the camels at a stream that ran through the farm. Across the stream, the rays of the morning sun hit a stone and made it sparkle like a rainbow. He thought it would look good on the mantle piece. He picked up the stone and put it in the living room. That afternoon the wise man came and saw the stone sparkling. He asked, "Is Hafiz back?" The new owner said, "No, why do you ask?" The wise man said, "Because that is a diamond. I recognize one when I see one." The man said, no, that's just a stone I picked up from the stream. Come, I'll show you. There are many more." They went and picked some samples and sent them for analysis. Sure enough, the stones were diamonds. They found that the farm was indeed covered with acres and acres of diamonds.*

What is the moral of this story?

There are five morals:

1. When our attitude is right, we realize that we are all walking on acres and acres of diamonds. • Attributed to Dr Russel Conwell . • Opportunity is always under our feet. We don't have to go anywhere. All we need to do is recognize it.

2. The grass on the other side always looks greener.

3. While we are dyeing the grass on the other side, there are others who are dyeing the grass on our side. They would be happy to trade places with us.

4. When people don't know how to recognize opportunity, they complain of noise when it knocks.

5. The same opportunity never knocks twice. The next one may be better or worse, but it is never the same one.

The Tremendous Power of Suggestion

As you can see by what we have already discussed, your conscious mind serves as the "watchman at the gate." One of its most crucial functions is to protect your subconscious mind from false impressions.
The reason this is so important goes back to one of the basic laws of mind: Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to suggestion.

As you know, your subconscious mind does not make comparisons or contrasts. It doesn't reason and think things out for itself. This latter function belongs to your conscious mind. No, your subconscious mind simply reacts to the impressions given to it by your conscious mind. It does not pick and choose among different courses of action. It merely takes what it is given.

Suggestion is a tremendously powerful force. Imagine that you are on board a ship that is rocking a bit from side to side. You approach a timid-looking fellow passenger and say, "Gee, you don't look so hot. Your face is practically green! I'm afraid you're about to be seasick. Can I help you to your cabin?”

The passenger turns pale. The suggestion you have just made about seasickness links up with her own fears and forebodings. She lets you escort her down belowdecks. Once she is there, your negative suggestion, which she accepted, comes true

The Subconscious Mind can not reason like Conscious Mind

Your subconscious mind does not have the ability to argue or dispute what it is told. If you give it wrong information, it will accept it as true. It will then work to make that information correct. It will bring your suggestions, even those that were false, to pass as conditions, experiences, and events.

 Everything that has happened to you happened because of thoughts impressed on your subconscious mind through belief. If you have communicated wrong or distorted concepts to your subconscious mind, it is of the most urgent importance to correct them. The sure way to do this is by repeatedly giving your subconscious mind constructive, harmonious thoughts. As these are frequently repeated, your subconscious mind accepts them. In this way, you can form new, healthier habits of thought and life, for your subconscious mind is the seat of habit.  The habitual thinking of your conscious mind establishes deep grooves in your subconscious mind. If your habitual thoughts are harmonious,
peaceful, and constructive, your subconscious mind will respond by creating harmony, peace, and constructive conditions.

Have you fallen prey to fear, worry, and other destructive forms of thinking? The remedy is to recognize the power of your subconscious mind and decree freedom, happiness, and perfect health. Your subconscious mind, being creative and one with your divine source, will then start to create the freedom and happiness you have earnestly decreed.

Oversleeping - Reasons and Remedy - Churn and Earn

For people who suffer from hypersomnia, oversleeping is actually a medical disorder. The condition causes people to suffer from extreme sleepiness throughout the day, which is not usually relieved by napping. It also causes them to sleep for unusually long periods of time at night. Many people with hypersomnia experience symptoms of anxiety, low energy, and memory problems as a result of their almost constant need for sleep.

Obstructive sleep apnea, a disorder that causes people to stop breathing momentarily during sleep, can also lead to an increased need for sleep. That's because it disrupts the normal sleep cycle.

Of course, not everyone who oversleeps has a sleep disorder. Other possible causes of oversleeping include the use of certain substances, such as alcohol and some prescription medications. Other medical conditions, including depression, can cause people to oversleep. And then there are people who simply want to sleep a lot.

Medical Problems Linked to Oversleeping

Studies have shown that sleeping too long or not enough each night can increase the risk for diabetes.
Sleeping too much or too little could make you weigh too much, as well. One recent study showed that people who slept for nine or 10 hours every night were 21% more likely to become obese over a six-year period than were people who slept between seven and eight hours. This association between sleep and obesity remained the same even when food intake and exercise were taken into account.

For some people prone to headaches, sleeping longer than usual on a weekend or vacation can cause head pain. Researchers believe this is due to the effect oversleeping has on certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin. People who sleep too much during the day and disrupt their nighttime sleep may also find themselves suffering from headaches in the morning.

Back pain
There was a time when doctors told people suffering from back pain to head straight to bed. But those days are long gone. You may not even need to curtail your regular exercise program when you are experiencing back pain. Check with your doctor. Doctors now realize the health benefits of maintaining a certain level of activity. And they recommend against sleeping more than usual, when possible.
Although insomnia is more commonly linked to depression than oversleeping is, roughly 15% of people with depression sleep too much. This may in turn make their depression worse. That's because regular sleep habits are important to the recovery process.

Heart disease
The Nurses' Health Study involved nearly 72,000 women. A careful analysis of the data from that study showed that women who slept nine to 11 hours per night were 38% more likely to have coronary heart disease than women who slept eight hours. Researchers have not yet identified a reason for the connection between oversleeping and heart disease.

Multiple studies have found that people who sleep nine or more hours a night have significantly higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours a night. No specific reason for this correlation has been determined. But researchers found that depression and low socioeconomic status are also associated with longer sleep. They speculate these factors could be related to the observed increase in mortality for people who sleep too much.

Get the Benefits of Sleep Without Oversleeping
If you average more than seven or eight hours of sleep per night, see a doctor for a checkup. The doctor can help you determine why you oversleep.
If your oversleeping is caused by alcohol or certain prescription medications, cutting back on or eliminating the use of these substances may help. Never stop a prescribed medicine, however, unless instructed to do so by your doctor. Similarly, if your oversleeping is caused by an underlying medical condition, treating this disorder may allow you to return to normal sleep habits.

Regardless of the cause of your oversleeping, practicing good sleep hygiene will help you reap the benefits of a healthy seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Experts recommend keeping the same bedtimes and wake times every day. They also recommend avoiding caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. Exercising regularly and making your bedroom a comfortable environment that's conducive to sleep will help you get the amount of sleep you need.

O Baba Kya Aapse Main - Lyrics with Mp3 and Video

ओ बाबा क्या आपसे मैं दो बातें करलू
आओ बच्चे तुमको मै बाँहों में भरलू

१. आपने साकार में सीचि मधुबन की फुलवारी
कहाँ चल दिए छोड़ कर जब आयी अपनी बारी
आप कहे कुछ भी कैसे मैं ड्रामा कह दूँ
हो बाबा क्या आपसे...

२. ये तो जी बहलाने के लिए बातें हैं बहाना
आप लुटाते हम पर कितना खुशियों का खज़ाना
जी करता है इन पलों को मुठी में भरलू
ओ बाबा क्या आपसे...

३.  साथ आपके चलते चलते मंज़िल पर जायेंगे
पर इसके पहले आप से सबको मिलाने आपसे हम लाएंगे
सच होते इन सपनो को मैं नज़रो में भरलू
ओ बाबा क्या आपसे ...


Oo Baba kya aapse mai do baatein kar lun
Ho aao bachche tumko mai bahon mein bhar lun

1. Aapne sakar mein seechi, madhuban ki fulvaari
    Kahan chal diye chhod kar, jab aayi apni baari
    Aap kahen kuchh bhi kaise mai Drama keh dun
Oo Baba....

2. Ye to jee behlane ke liye, baatein hain bahana
    Aap lutate hum par kitna khushiyon ka khazana
    Jee karta hai in palon ko mutthi mein bhar lun
Oo Baba....

3. Sath aapke chalte chalte manzil par jaayenge
    Par iske pehle sabko milane aapse hum layenge
    Sach hote in sapno ko main nazron mein bhar lun
Oo Baba....

Serve Yourself with Scientific Truth

  • Be a mental engineer and use tried and proven techniques in building a grander and greater life. 
  • Your desire is your prayer. Picture the fulfillment of your desire now and feel its reality, and you will experience the joy of the answered prayer. 
  • Desire to accomplish things the easy way-with the sure aid of mental science.  
  • You can build radiant health, success, and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind. 
  • Experiment scientifically until you personally prove that there is always a direct response from the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind to your conscious thinking.  
  • Feel the joy and restfulness in foreseeing the certain accomplishment of your desire. Any mental picture you have in your mind is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  
  • A mental picture is worth a thousand words. Your subconscious will bring to pass any picture held in the mind backed by faith.  
  • Avoid all effort or mental coercion in prayer. Get into a sleepy, drowsy state and lull yourself to sleep feeling and knowing that your prayer is answered.  
  • Remember that the thankful heart is always close to the riches of the universe.  
  • To affirm is to state that it is so, and as you maintain this attitude of mind as true, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, you will receive an answer to your prayer.  
  • Generate waves of harmony, health, and peace by thinking of the love and the glory of God.  
  • What you decree and feel as true will come to pass. Decree harmony, health, peace, and abundance.  

Aids To Your Health

  •  Find out what it is that heals you. Realize that correct directions given to your subconscious mind will heal your mind and body.  
  • Develop a definite plan for turning over your requests or desires to your subconscious mind. 
  • Imagine the end desired and feel its reality. Follow it through, and you will get definite results.  
  • Decide what belief is. Know that belief is a thought in your mind and that what you think you create.  
  • It is foolish to believe in sickness or in anything that will hurt or harm you. Believe in perfect health, prosperity, peace, wealth, and divine guidance. 
  • Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.  
  • Apply the power of prayer therapy in your life. Choose a certain plan, idea, or mental picture. Unite mentally and emotionally with that idea. As you remain faithful to your mental attitude, your prayer will be answered.  
  • Always remember, if you really want the power to heal, you can have it through faith, which means a knowledge of the working of your conscious and subconscious mind. Faith comes with understanding.  
  • Blind faith means that a person may get results in healing without any scientific understanding of the powers and forces involved.  
  • Learn to pray for your loved ones who may be ill. Quiet your mind. Your thoughts of health, vitality, and perfection operating through the one universal subjective mind will be felt and made manifest in the mind of your loved one. 

Ideas Worth Remembering for The Self Confidence

  • The treasure house is within you. Look within for the answer to your heart's desire.  
  • The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can do the same. 
  •   Your subconscious has the answer to all problems. If you suggest to your subconscious prior to sleep, "I want to get up at 6 A.M.," it will awaken you at that exact time.  
  • Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you.  
  • Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.  
  • If you want to write a book, write a wonderful play, give a better talk to your audience, convey the idea lovingly and feelingly to your subconscious mind and it will respond accordingly.  
  • You are like a captain navigating a ship. He or she must give the right orders, or the ship is wrecked. In the same way, you must give the right orders (thoughts and images) to your subconscious mind, which controls and governs all your experiences.  
  • Never use such expressions as "I can't afford it" or "I can't do this." 
  • Your subconscious mind takes you at your word. It sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, "I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind."  
  • The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things that will harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you. According to your belief is it done unto you.  
  • Change your thoughts, and you change your destiny

Jhalak Tumhari O Pyare Bhagwan - Lyrics with Mp3 and Video

झलक तुम्हारी ओ प्यारे भगवन, पलक में भरके दिखा रहे हम
फ़लक से हम यही गा रहे,
कराने वाला करा रहा है, करनहार हम किये जा रहे

1. करन करावन हार तुम्ही हो, तुम्ही तो करते तुम्ही कराते
    बने हैं हम तो निमित्त केवल, हम अपनी उंगली भल लगाते
    उठा के अपने हाथों गोवर्धन, हमारी रक्षा किये जा रहे
कराने वाला करा रहा है...

2. है प्रसन्न प्रभु की पालना से, तुम्ही बने हो हमारे पालक
    वाह जो है सारे जग का मालिक, हम उसके प्यारे बने हैं बालक
    हुकमी हुकुम चला रहा है, हम सच्चे दिल से किये जा रहे
कराने वाला करा रहा है...

3. ये ज्ञान बुद्धि बल सब तुम्हारा, बस ध्यान इतना हमें है धरना
    हम भी तुम्हारे, सब है तुम्हारा, अहंकार किस बात का कारण
    तेरे हवाले कश्ती हमारी, बड़े प्यार से लिये जा रहे...
कराने वाला करा रहा है....


Jhalak Tumhari O Pyare Bhagwan, Palal me bharke dikha rahe hum,
Falak se hum yahi Gaa rhe..
Karane vala kara raha hai, karanhaar hum kiye ja rahe

1. Karan karavan har tumhi ho, tumhi to karte tumhi karate
    Banein hain hum to nimitt keval, hum apni ungli bhal lagate
    Utha ke apne hathon Govardhan, humari raksha kiye ja rahe
 Karane vala kara raha hai...

2. Hai prasann prabhu ki palna se, tumhi bane ho humare palak
    Wah jo hai sare jag ka maalik, hum uske pyare bane hain balak
    Hukumi hukum chala rha hai, hum sachhe dil se kiye ja rahe...
Karane vala kara raha hai...

3. Ye gyan budhhi bal sab tumhara, bas dhyan itna Humein hai dharna,
    Hum bhi tumhare, hai sab tumhara, ahenkaar kis baat ka karna
    Tere hawale kashti humari, bade pyar se liye ja rahe..
Karane vala kara raha hai

Pana Tha Jo Pa Liya- Lyrics with Mp3

पाना था जो पा लिया, कुछ भी रहा न पाना
बाबा मिले तो मनवा, गाये खुशी का गाना
पाना था जो .......

1. लाख जतन करती है दुनिया , प्रभु को पाने में
करते हैं अति मेहनत भक्ति में होकर दीवाने
फिर भी मिला न उनको , शिव का सही ठिकाना
बाबा मिले तो मनवा....

2. करता है शुक्रिया सदा ही, हरदम दिल ये हमारा
चमकाया तकदीर का बाबा, तूने हर एक सितारा
जन्नत का हमको दिया, अनमोल ये खज़ाना
बाबा मिले तो मनवा....


Pana Tha jo Paa Liya....Kuchh bhi raha na Paana...2
Baba mile to Manva.. Gaaye Khushi Ka Gaana...2
Pana Tha jo Paa Liya....Kuchh bhi raha na Paana...
1. Laakh Jatan karti hai Dunia... Prabhu Ko pane
    Karte hain ati mehnat Bhakti me hokar deewane
    Fir bhi mila na unko... Shiv ka sahi thikana...
Baba mile to Manva.. Gaaye Khushi Ka Gaana...2
Pana Tha jo Paa Liya....Kuchh bhi raha na Paana...
2. Karta Hai Shukriyaa Sada hi ... har dam Dil ye hamara
    Chamkaya takdeer ka baba... Tune har ek sitara
    Jannat ka humko diya.. Anmol ye khazana
Baba mile to Manva.. Gaaye Khushi Ka Gaana...2
Pana Tha jo Paa Liya....Kuchh bhi raha na Paana...

Why walk is necessary ? Churn and Earn

Ever wondered what happens to your body when you start walking?

Here's a minute-by   -minute rundown of the amazing chain reaction walking and exercise has upon your body, it's truly amazing!

Minutes 1 to 5

Your first few steps trigger the release of energy-producing chemicals in your cells to fuel your walk. Your heart rate revs-up from about 70 to 100 beats per minute (bpm), boosting blood-flow and warming muscles.

Any stiffness subsides as joints release lubricating fluid to help you move more easily. As you get moving, your body burns 5 calories per minute, compared with only 1 per minute at rest. Your body needs more fuel and starts pulling from its carbohydrates and fat stores.

Minutes 6 to 10

Heartbeat increases and you're burning up to 6 calories a minute as you pick up the pace. A slight rise in blood pressure is countered by the release of chemicals that expand blood vessels, bringing more blood and oxygen to working muscles.

Minutes 11 to 20

Your body temperature keeps rising, and you start to perspire as blood vessels near the skin expand to release heat. As your walk becomes brisker, you'll be burning up to 7 calories a minute and breathing harder. Hormones such as epinephrine and glucagon rise to release fuel to the muscles.

Minutes 21 to 45

Feeling invigorated, you start to relax as your body releases tension, thanks in part to a dose of feel-good chemicals such as endorphins in your brain. As more fat is burned, insulin (which helps store fat) drops--excellent news for anyone battling excess weight or diabetes.

Minutes 46 to 60

Your muscles may feel fatigued as carbohydrates stores are reduced. As you cool down, your heart rate decreases and your breathing slows. You'll be burning fewer calories but more than you were before you started. Your calorie burn will remain elevated for up to 1 hour.

All this happens without a single conscious thought from us - the human body is amazing.
Stay blessed -Stayfit
Walk / Exercise
 🌍Kindly forward to as many as possible.

Happy Walking..😀🚶

Aavaj ki Dunia Se - Lyrics with Mp3

Aavaj ki Dunia Se, Chalen Door Kahi Door Chalen (2)
Chand Sitaron se, Door Kahi Door Chalen
Aavaj ki Dunia Se..

1. Jahan Deh ka, Dunia ka, Koi bhan nahi hai
    Jahan Gam Nahi, Halchal Nahi, Toofan Nahi Hai
    Badi Shan se, Khushiyon Se, Bharpoor Ho Nikle..
Avaj Ki Dunia Se...

2. Vahan naa koi samay ki Seema, Rishton ka naa koi bandhan
    Badi saloni si madhur shanti hai, Ye samjhe jaane hamara hi man
    Sabhi shaktiyan, atindriya such, Khazane hamein mile..
Avaj Ki Dunia Se...

Prabhu Tere Rang Mein - Lyrics with Mp3

Prabhu Tere Rang Mein Hum Rang Gaye Aise
Humein lagta hai ki rahe, hum sang sada jaise

1. Milan ki Aash mein, kya kya sitam uthaye hain
    Nain bhi khoye, chain apne bhi hum gavayen hain
    tumko paye to jeevan naya paaye hain
    Jeene ki raah mil gayi, Prabhu humein kaise
Humein Lagta Hai ki rahe... 

2. Apni soorat teri soorat se mail khati hai
   Humein duniya se alag duniya ye nazar aati hai
   Bol tumhare kitne pyare, masti ruhani me rang gaye saare
   Lage pankh aaj kitne, umang bhare jaise
Humein Lagta Hai ki rahe..... 

3. Nahi pehchan teri thi jara bhagwan humein
    Fir bhi abhiman to tha gyan ka, bada hi humein
    Pyar mein aise bandha, Bana ke apna humein
    Koi dor ho bandhi jo, Patang mein jaise
Humein Lagta Hai ki rahe...

Top Part Time Jobs from Home Online & Offline – No Investment

If you are looking for Part Time Jobs in India you have reached the right place. Whether you are located in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad or any other city of India, availability of part time online jobs is same everywhere. Here I have collected a list of 10 Online part time jobs, as well as 8 Offline part time jobs that you can do from anywhere in India.

The online jobs can be done from the comfort of your home, and require no investment.

They allow you to productively utilize your spare time and generate some substantial income for yourself. Offline part time jobs are of varied kind, some can be done from the comfort of your home like tutoring, while some others like insurance agent require you to travel and move around. You can choose a job of your preference depending on your skill set and resources.

Whatever part time job choose to do, remember it requires dedication, perseverance and time. If you are dedicated and work hard, some part time jobs like blogging can earn you more income than your full time job also. And you can switch to making them your career itself.

Online Part-Time Jobs

There are a lot of online jobs that you can partake in, some more demanding than others. From small tasks to huge commissions, you’ve got a lot of part time jobs to choose from.

METHOD #1: Earning Real Cash Back


This is the site which is so popular today. This is basically a shopping portal including all the famous merchants like amazon, flipcart, paytm etc. This provides all the services under one roof. If you like to shop online this is the best platform to earn with your shopping. Every merchants will give certain % of cash back which is disclosed under that merchants detail. Its a free signup and you can refer the link to your friends also. You will get the real cash back on your daily shopping and if your friends are registering free and shopping, you will get some % cash back on their shopping also.

There is one VIP voucher in dubli which cost around $99, It will increase your cashback from normal % + 6% extra on your every shopping for one year. You can Upgrade it anytime if you free signup at

METHOD #2: Clicking ads

SAMPLE SITES: ClixSense, InboxDollars, NeoBux , Buxp, Familyclix
EARNING POTENTIAL: $150 monthly (average)

This is among the most tried-and-tested part-time jobs available today. It doesn’t require much skill or experience for you to accomplish the task. This is probably the easiest part-time job on this list. You earn money by just clicking ads and viewing them for a given number of seconds. There are hundreds of places on the Internet to find ad-clicking opportunities. Be sure to choose trusted ones that have proof of payment.

If you allot about half an hour per day doing this, you can earn a monthly income of $100 to $200. Of course, the more sites you sign up with, the more opportunities you get. The potential cannot be defined concretely, because you can work harder and click more ads than the average (and thus, earn more).

METHOD #3 : Completing surveys

SAMPLE SITES: Star Panel, iPanelOnline India, SurveyHead

Answering surveys is another popular way to make money online. You can complete these surveys during your free time, so there isn’t any pressure. In these surveys, you simply need to answer some multiple choice questions or give your honest opinion about certain products or services. The good thing about these questionnaires is you can pick those related to your hobbies or interests.

Companies need feedback from their target demographic, so they send out surveys to get comments about their products. If you fit their demographic, you can help them improve their product in exchange for monetary compensation.
Again, be sure to trust only credible websites before investing your time and energy.

METHOD # 4: Blogging

SAMPLE SITES: WordPress, Blogger, HubPages
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate/Expert
EARNING POTENTIAL: Variable (ranges from $10 to $100,000 per month)

Blogging is one of the most common part time jobs in India that can become a long-term
source of income. The idea is simple: create your own blog or website and post your own content in it. You can write about absolutely anything – from personal experiences and stories to expert tips about different topics. The topic of your blog is entirely up to you. The more it engages your readers, the more relevant it becomes.  The trick is to produce high quality and original content. If your audience reads your posts and learns something new – or manages to view something in a new perspective – then you can consider it a success.
You can turn blogging into a passive income stream by allowing advertisers to promote products on your site. Usually, the ads are related to what your blog posts are about. Whenever a reader clicks on an ad, you get a chance to earn commission if the ad leads to a sale of that product (this is known as “conversion”). The more conversions you make, the higher your earnings.

A key component here is to not sound sales-y. Make your content engaging and organic. This means that it should sound like it comes from an actual person, and not some robotic advertiser. It helps to have a lot of followers. Once you gained their trust, it becomes easier for them to convert.

Another alternative is to sell your own products or services on your blog if you own a business. For example, if you own a bakery, you can talk about baking – or food, in general. After engaging readers with rich posts, they’ll feel more comfortable purchasing your products or visiting your store.

Other ways to earn through blogging include offering consultancy services and giving out paid memberships (in exchange for expert information or guidance on a specific topic).
How much you earn depends on the number of readers you have, how much commission you are getting from conversions, how many people are paying to hear (more) from you, how many brands are asking for a paid endorsement spot from you, and other related factors. The most successful bloggers can earn as much as $100,000 in a month!

METHOD # 5: Affiliate marketing

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate/Expert
EARNING POTENTIAL: Variable ($10 to $5000)
Affiliate marketing lets you earn money similarly to blogging. You need your own blog or site where you can talk about a specific niche. The more focused the niche is, the better you can get targeted readers looking for specific products relevant to it. Once you’ve achieved a respectable amount of web traffic and number of followers, the next thing to do is sign up with affiliate programs.

Luckily, there are lots of affiliate programs on the market. Chances are, there is a program dedicated to your chosen niche. Once you sign up, you are given products or services that you need to organically promote in your posts. Again, the trick here is to not sound sales-y. Instead, your readers need to see you as a credible source of information.

Whenever a reader clicks an affiliate link, he is redirected to a landing page on the merchant’s website. For each click, you earn a commission. When he takes a desirable action (subscribing to the merchant’s newsletter, registering on the site, or completing a purchase), you also get a certain commission. The most successful affiliate marketers do this full-time and earn five-figure commissions every month.

Unlike other part time jobs in Delhi, this one requires more thought, time, and effort – but in the end it can all be worth it. Be sure to choose reputable affiliate programs to avoid any payment issues in the future. Before signing up with a program, review their terms and make sure their compensation rates are agreeable to you.

METHOD # 6: Sell your services or complete tasks

SAMPLE SITES: Fiverr, 99Designs, SEOClerks
SKILL LEVEL: Beginner to Expert
EARNING POTENTIAL: $5 minimum per gig

Fiverr has gotten massive traction in the freelancing world because they gave both companies and freelancers a platform to buy and sell services in the short-term. Here, you can browse through the huge lineup of freelancers – writers, designers, marketers, even voice-over artists, and a whole lot more. From writing articles to improving a website’s design to creating videos and editing images, you’ll find virtually every service on this site. At the same time, it serves as a great avenue for the artists and professionals to “sell” their services. The minimum selling price for tasks is $5, but the seller can ask for a higher rate (in increments of $5).

As a result of its success, many other websites that have the same format suddenly sprung up. They offer the same features for buyers and sellers. These sites are a great source for outsourcing various jobs and skills. If you are able to effectively sell your skill set, you can earn a lot doing this. The only downside is that there is a ton of competition from other people selling the same services as you.

METHOD # 7: Online Tutoring

EARNING POTENTIAL: $10 to $30 per hour
With the advent of technology, almost every aspect of life depends on various innovations. E-Learning is one major development. In the past few years, more and more students turn to the Internet to do research for schoolwork. Furthermore, online tutoring has become possible, thanks to different messaging and video conferencing media (such as Skype and Google Talk).

There are also various websites dedicated to this very cause, giving a platform for students and tutors alike. Here, students can sign up for courses, which can be self-learning, led by an instructor, or in the form of a one-on-one session with a tutor. The good news is that you can tutor only when you’re available. In the dashboard of your account, you can access the list of students needing tutoring (in real time) and make a selection as you see fit. This makes it a great part-time job.

If you are an expert on a particular subject or course, then this can be profitable for you. Most of the sites pay their tutors by the hour, and depending on the difficulty level of what you’re tutoring about, you can earn an hourly rate of $10 to as much as $30 (or more).

METHOD # 8: Content writing

SAMPLE SITES: UpWork (formerly oDesk/eLance), LexiConn
SKILL LEVEL: Beginner to Expert
EARNING POTENTIAL: $1 to $100 per article

Content writing opportunities are extremely popular part time jobs in Mumbai, especially over the past decade. In fact, it is often a go-to gig for many freelancers who are looking for a quick source of income. What’s great about this is that there seems to be an unlimited pool of clients looking for web content. While there are agencies and teams dedicated to providing these solutions, clients still prefer individual freelancers (or “contractors”) because they typically charge cheaper for the same quality of work.

Web content is highly important in online marketing. If sites want to rank higher, they need organically-rich content about their niche or product. The writer comes in and does the job quickly, usually within days. These are often fixed-rate and short-term jobs. The client-seller relationship is terminated as soon as the job is concluded. Although there are cases when a long-term relationship ensues, especially if the client loved the freelancer’s work and is need of more content.

You can scout forums and websites for jobs in this area, although the process of landing a job has been made a lot easier by sites like oDesk (now UpWork). If you persevere and work hard, you can earn a lot from this gig. Knowledge about SEO and basic marketing skills is a plus.

The rates depend on the quality of your work. For novice writers, an article can be paid for as low as $1. For expert writers with vast knowledge on the subject and excellent grammar, they can be paid a whole lot more – sometimes as much as $100 for a post.

METHOD # 9: Online consultancy


Consultancy has been around for years, and in the past decade has made its way into the online community. Having knowledge in a certain field or expertise can give you vast opportunities in this kind of work. While most consultants have their own websites where they promote their services and deal with clients, some merely offer consultancy and
training via Skype.

If you don’t have a website yet, you can simply create your own Facebook page where you can promote your expertise. Your posts have to be about your chosen field. Let the public know how you can help them and why they should choose you. Getting your first client might take time, depending on how well you’ve advertised your services and on the demand for such.

Your potential earnings will rely on what kind of consulting you’re going to offer and in which specializations you’ll focus.

METHOD # 10: Photography

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
EARNING POTENTIAL: $50 to $100 per payout

Photography is a hobby for many people. But if you play your cards right, you can turn this interest into a money-making opportunity.

If you take pretty good photos, you can sell them to stock sites. You earn for each photo you submit, and you are given a commission as well every time your submission is downloaded.
You need to reach a certain payout amount (varies per site), but you can get about $50 every time. If you perform well, you can be signed as an “exclusive photographer” – this will give you better rates and commissions.

METHOD # 11: YouTube Partnerships

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate to Expert
EARNING POTENTIAL: $0.60 to $7 per 1000 views

Have you ever seen a viral video and thought to yourself, “I can do that, too”? Well, the good news is that you probably can – and you can also make money while you’re at it. By allowing your videos on YouTube to be monetized (through ads), you can earn revenue depending on how many “views” you acquire.

The CPM determines how much an advertiser pays for every 1000 views. Depending on the advertiser, you can get $7 or more per 1000 views. For this reason, having a lot of subscribers can work really well for you. Sharing the videos on social media helps, too.

The trick is to post videos that will attract the attention and interest of people, whether they’re heartstring-tugging videos, practical tutorials, funny parodies or spoofs – the possibilities are endless. This lets you tap into whatever it is that you’re good at and use it to your advantage.

Offline Part-Time Jobs

There are also tons of opportunities to make some extra cash even if you don’t have a computer or Internet connection. Take a look at some of these offline part time job opportunities across India.


Tutoring is one of the oldest means of earning extra cash if you are knowledgeable about a certain subject. While online tutors are all the buzz these days, some students still prefer the traditional face-to-face interaction.

If this is something you think you’ll be good at, you can start by giving out pamphlets in your neighborhood. Once you begin, you’ll probably allot three to four hours of tutoring per day. If your student feels like he’s improving with your help, it can be a long-term relationship and can turn into something really profitable for you.


There are a lot of opportunities available through network marketing. If you choose a credible company with high-quality products, you can find yourself a good source of extra cash. The main advantage of this job is that you enjoy full flexibility. You define your own hours.

While there are many newer companies on the market, some advice picking the more established names to ensure financial safety. Herbalife and Amway are just some of these companies. But again, it is entirely up to you to pick which company to work with.
Choose one that carries products that you personally want to use and recommend. If you actually believe in the product you’re selling, your promotion and marketing efforts will come off as organic and unforced, which your customers will appreciate. This can help you earn more commission.

If you’re good with public relations and sales, then this is a perfect job for you.


If you love talking to people and if you’re good at “selling”, you might just be a great insurance agent. This job entails a lot of convincing and following up on potential clients. There are many insurance companies always on the lookout for more part-time agents. Try big names like ICICI Prudential, HDFC Life, TATA AIG, and others.
Before you sign up, be sure you are amenable with their terms and compensation package.


There are various ways to work as a call center agent. Whether you choose to work as an agent in an office/company setting or as a work-from-home agent, this can be a lucrative opportunity for you. All you need is to have impeccable communication skills and English proficiency.

There are many advertisements for call center part time jobs in Bangalore newspapers, as well as on various job sites.


Do you speak another language fluently (aside from English)? Then a translator role can be what you’re looking for. There are various avenues for this kind of work, because translation is necessary in almost every industry today – especially with companies that are doing global transactions.

There are a lot of translation positions advertised in newspapers and job boards every day.


Did you finish college with flying colors? There are colleges and universities that regularly hire part-time instructors. Although this may require certain qualifications, you might want to check it out. If you have a degree (or better, a professional license), chances are you’re qualified.

Send out resumes and applications to more than one facility and you will surely get a nod from at least one college. This can be very lucrative, and if you become successful and effective, it can even lead to bigger opportunities – such as a full-time position.


Are you great with kids? If you are, you might want to take a crack at offering child day care services. This can be either small-scale or full-time. You can sign on to take care of just a few children – or you can build and administer a legitimate day care center at home. This kind of service is always in demand, especially with families where both parents need to go to work during the day.


Many brands offer part-time franchising opportunities. You can do some research on companies which offer franchising in your locality. You can choose to sell products on the side (from home), although full-time work is often available for these as well. If you become serious about it, you can have your own stall or store dedicated to the franchise – you may even hire employees, should you take the job all the way. This can quickly turn from a simple franchise into a full-blown small business enterprise.

There are tons of part time jobs across India for anyone looking to make some extra cash. Whether you want to work in front of your computer, from the comforts of home, or out in the real world, you can surely find one job that fits you. Depending on your availability, patience, and hard work, you can be able to earn money online or offline as you wish.

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